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We have the best for your Child

Our key words, “DREAM, BELIEVE & ACHIEVE” reflects our understanding and beliefs. We aim to ensure that the students are provided with high-quality learning experiences based on a broad and balanced curriculum.
To prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perspective and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance and compassion.







Our Professional Teachers

John Mark


Ugbogwo .D.E

English Lang./Literature in Eng.

Ayomide Seun

Chemistry/Animal Husbandry

James Mbarkart

Physical and Social Studies

Micheal Frank


Our Success Stories

The school records high rate of success in all external examinations.

Bronze in Macmilian team competition.

Oduola Jumoke

Gold in Macmilian team competition

Edengu Justus C

Gold Cup /Prizes in Interschools Football Competition.

Emmanuel Yunus

Award of Excellence in Mathematics.

Nwankwo Sarah

Award of Excellence in Mathematics Competition.

Etuk Joy

Our Directors' Speech

Welcome to this great Citadel of learning- Tosvvi Precious College.

Our core aspiration is to provide a total package on Educational Excellence enabling every student to make positive differences during the time spent with us. In expectance of Excellence, we ensure that Students enjoy school in a happy, safe and secured atmosphere designed to fulfill their potentials.

We also strive in providng a caring, supportive and challenging environment to the students in which they can grow and flourish to esteem heights.

Our School's curriculum is carefully framed in such a way to deliver quality education to the students to meet standards wherever they find themselves. Also, we incorporate the best and innovative practices of Education and Technology together not forgetting the role of a teacher in the welfare and progress of students.

At Tosvvi, we recruit highly qualified, motivated and dynamic professionals who ensure the development of the students academically and personally to strengthen our vision and mission.

Tosvvi Precious College offers an extraordinary opportunity both in Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas. We have a comprehensive array of Co-Scholastic activities that encourage our students to develop their talents.

Children are the most precious asset for us. We expect all the students to do their role as best as they can and aspire to excel in diverse fields.

I strongly believe that true education should instill knowledge, creativity, tradition and Culture among the students. I alongside the entire Management team will work together in motivating the students to perform well in every walk of their journey towards being noble citizens of tomorrow.

I pray that the Lord Almighty will be with us forever and with his blessings, I envisage the glorious future of this great institution of learning.

Thank you for your interest in Tosvvi Precious College. We eagerly look forward to meeting you soon.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.

Warm regards.

Victor Taiye Okoya

Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Staff, Students, and Well-wishers,

I am delighted to extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you as we come together on the digital platform of TOSVVI PRECIOUS COLLEGE.

As the Director of this esteemed institution, I take immense pride in leading a team of passionate educators and dedicated staff who are committed to providing the best possible educational experience to our students. Our mission is not merely to impart knowledge but to ignite a lifelong love for learning, foster creativity and develop essential life skills that will empower our students to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

At Tosvvi Precious College, we firmly believe that every child is unique and possesses untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. As such, we strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment that encourages curiosity and exploration, allowing each student to discover their strengths and passions.

Our approach to education is rooted in the understanding that academic excellence goes hand in hand with character, development and values. We emphasize the importance of integrity, empathy, resilience and compassion; molding our students into responsible global citizens who contribute positively to society.

As we embrace the possibilities of technology and innovation, we also cherish the importance of traditional values and human connections. Our classrooms are not just spaces for learning but places where minds are ignited, dreams are nurtured and lasting memories are formed.

To our dedicated and exceptional teachers, I express my deep appreciation for your commitment and hard work. Your unwavering dedication to excellence and your passion for teaching play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our students.

To the parents and guardians, I extend my gratitude for your constant support and trust in our vision. Your involvement in your child’s education and active participation in school activities strengthen the foundation of their success.

To the students, I encourage you to be curious, fearless in your pursuit of knowledge and compassionate in your interactions. Remember that education is not just about grades but about developing a thirst for learning that lasts a lifetime.

As we move forward on this journey of educational excellence, we will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing times. Our commitment to providing a safe and inspiring environment for learning remains steadfast and we are excited to explore new opportunities that will shape the future of education.

I invite all members of our school community and well-wishers to join hands with us as we collectively embark on this quest for knowledge, growth and progress. Together, let us create a future where our students shine as beacons of hope and knowledge.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in Tosvvi Precious College.

Up TOSVVI......

Best Regards,

Victory Kehinde Okoya
-- Director